On Good Friday 2023, we met again in Harpur Square for the Good Friday Witness service. Churches from across Bedford came together to worship God together.
Hope Spaces Update
Last Saturday we had our third Hope Spaces on Bedford Market. There was a real sense of God’s presence with several people experiencing healing for a range of conditions. We also had many encouraging and meaningful conversations. Many Hope magazines and other Christian literature were given out and there was a real excitement at people’s […]
Good Friday Witness
After a break of two years due to Covid restrictions, we were delighted to join with others from across the town at this year’s Good Friday Witness at 12 noon on 15th April, and stand with us as we witness to God’s love, demonstrated in the death of his Son on the cross ‘as an […]
Hope Spaces at Christmas
Back in June, we posted a video to introduce you to Hope Spaces Bedford. Now we’re in the run-up to Christmas, we’ve been getting in the spirit of the festive season.